On Sunday, September 10, 16:00-18:00, 2023 Vassilis Katsouros and Pepi Stamouli participated in the 87th Thessaloniki International Fair in order to present the research activities of the AI4EDU project. In the context of the parallel events and speeches of the Athena Research Centre at the 87th TIF, as part of the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation of Greece communication and dissemination events, Vassilis Katsouros and Pepi Stamouli held a speech and a workshop on Generative AI technologies, entitled “Generative AI technologies and their implementation in Education”. As part of this event, they presented the prototype of the conversational AI assistants, Study Buddy and Teacher Mate, developed for the AI4EDU project, their characteristics, functionalities and capabilities to support students and teachers in the educational practice.

The presentation followed the following structure:

  • Introduction to AI and language technologies
  • Large Language Models – Generative AI
  • Introduction to ChatGPT, demonstration of ChatGPT use cases in the learning and teaching practice
  • The AI4EDU project: Aims and objectives

Presentation of the Study Buddy and Teacher Mate, demonstration of educational use cases

There was no hands-on session, since it was a dissemination event addressing the general public and no questionnaires were administered.



Funded by the European Union. Contract Number: 101087451. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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