Personal Information

Organisation: LTU
Position/Category: Associate Professor, Machine Learning group
Phone number: +46722383143

Work Experience:

Associate Professor, Machine Learning group, LTU, Sweden, May 2022 – present
Senior Lecturer, Machine Learning group, LTU, Sweden, 2019 – April 2022
PostDoc fellow at Machine Learning group, LTU, Sweden, 2018 – 2019
PostDoc fellow, DIVA group, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 2015 – 2019


PhD diploma in the field of Pattern Recognition. Dissertation title “Recognition of online handwritten mathematical expressions”, NTUA, Greece, 2015

Professional Activities:

• Education officer of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) Technical Committee Number 11: Reading Systems.
• Competition organizer of ICDAR2023 Competition on Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions CROHME 2023.
• General chair of the 18th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 2024
• Education leader for the Applied AI programs at LTU.
• Competition chair of the 16th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 2021
• Program Committee of 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems 2018
• Competition organizer of ICDAR 2019 Historical Document Reading Challenge on Large Structured Family Records (ICDAR-2019-HDRC-Chinese), 2019.
• Competition organizer of ICDAR2017 Competition on layout analysis for challenging medieval manuscripts, 2017.
• Member of Institute of Document Analysis and Knowledge Science (IDAKS).
• Reviewer in international scientific journals and conferences (e.g., Pattern Recognition Letters, DAS, ICFHR, ICDAR).

R&D projects (selection):

• Mining and AI, PhD project fully funded by Boliden AB, 2022 – 2026
• Pilot study on inner speech detection using EE/fMRI data, 2022
• Early detection of dementia with AI, 2022


• Vinnova travel grant for MIRAI2.0 Research and Innovation week, 2022, Japan
• Grants for Excellent Research Projects Proposals of 2022
• 2020-2021: Ansökan juniora lovande forskare, dnr LTU-4449-2019

Publications (selection):

• Foteini Simistira Liwicki et al., 2022. Bimodal electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance imaging dataset for inner-speech recognition. bioRxiv 2022.05.24.492109; doi:
• Foteini Simistira Liwicki, et al., 2022. Rethinking the Methods and Algorithms for Inner Speech Decoding – and Making them Reproducible. Feature Papers in Neuroscience.
• Rajkumar Saini, Foteini Simistira Liwicki et al., 2022. Imagined object recognition using EEG-based neurological brain signals. Recent Trends in Image Processing & Pattern Recognition, Springer.
• Sumit Rakesh, Foteini Simistira Liwicki et al., 2021. Emotions classification using EEG in Healthcare. International Conference on Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence.
Funded by the European Union. Contract Number: 101087451. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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