Hamam Mokayed

Personal Information

Organisation: LTU
Position/Category: Senior Lecturer
Phone number: +46920492075
E-mail-Address: Hamam.mokayed@ltu.ser

Work Experience:

Hamam Mokayed received his PhD from UITM, Malaysia, in 2015. He has 15 intangible properties and many publications in the field of education, document analysis, automotive intelligent systems, and natural scene images. He currently works as a senior lecturer at Prof. Marcus Liwicki in EISLAB Machine Learning at Luleå University of Technology (Luleå University of Technology), Sweden. His main research interests are in the field of automotive intelligent systems (VIS) and AI for education. He has previously worked as a senior staff researcher at MIMOS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His research interests include machine learning, image processing and system design in a real-time environment.

Educational Background:

Senior lecturer Machine Learning team, LTU university, 2022 Post-doc position., Machine Learning team, LTU university, 2020 Ph.D., Computer and Mathematical Sciences, University Technology Mara UiTM, 2016 Supervisor: Prof. Azlinah Hj. Mohamed Thesis Title: Adaptive Goal-directed Thresholding Base Generic Structured Document Classifier (Gold Medal awarded at IIDEX 2013) Ms., Electrical Engineering, Center of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics CAIRO, 2009 University Technology Malaysia UTM. Supervisor: Prof. Murzuki Khalid Thesis Title: Multimodal Biometric System using finger vein and signature verification system (Funded by Malaysian research grant)


APICTA award for the best AI solution (MiLPR) in 2019 Nominated by the ministry of science and technology to get the Malaysian professional permanent residence (PPR) as the only nominee for the year 2017 regarding my contribution to the wide national projects deployed in airports, police, and armies in addition to participating in filing fifteen intellectual properties under different projects done in Mimos under my leadership Super cooperative lecturer award at APU university in 2017 Most effective employee in AID department in Mimos 2016 & 2017 Platinum batch holder for intellectual property contributions in Mimos 2017 Gold Medal at IIDEX 2013 Exhibition for the project “Structured Document Classifier for Bank Negara Malaysia.”