On September 27, 2023, the AI4EDU Workshop took place in Ireland and was conducted online through EU Online 1, bringing together 34 participants, including educators and other stakeholders interested in the role of artificial intelligence in education. This event was part of the AI4EDU initiative, which aims to explore the integration of AI technologies into teaching and learning environments.
The workshop aimed to:
- Familiarize participants with fundamental concepts and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- Evaluate the current levels of understanding and usage of AI by teachers and students in educational settings.
- Demonstrate practical applications of AI-powered chatbots in education.
- Collect insights through a Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities, and Threats (SCOT) analysis of AI’s impact on education.
A generational gap in attitudes toward AI was evident during the session. Students displayed a much greater ease and confidence in using AI tools, including chatbots and OpenAI platforms, and they expressed enthusiasm about the potential of AI in education and beyond. Their responses reflected optimism, thoughtful expectations, and an openness to explore AI’s future implications.
Conversely, teachers tended to approach AI with more apprehension, often expressing skepticism about its role in education. Despite these reservations, there was broad acknowledgment of AI’s inevitability in the educational landscape, and many educators expressed a willingness to engage with its possibilities. Notably, approximately half of the teachers admitted to limited familiarity with AI concepts, highlighting the need for more professional development opportunities in this area.
Similar trends were observed across other AI4EDU workshops held in Ireland, Sweden, and the Netherlands, with no substantial cultural differences in attitudes toward AI in education. The workshop reinforced the importance of continued professional development and open dialogue to help educators overcome reservations and to create a shared vision for the effective integration of AI into educational practices.