Use of AI in Primary and Secondary Education

The Workshop on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Primary and Secondary Education, on Saturday 13/4/2024 at the National Technical University of Athens, co-organized by the Open Technologies Organization – EELLAK, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, and the National eTwinning Support Organization, was successfully completed, in cooperation with the Institute of Educational Policy, the School of Electrical and […]

Charismatheia (ARC) V Katsouros talk

Vassilis Katsouros, the Director of the Institute for Language and Speech Processing at the Athena Research Center, served as a guest speaker at the “School with Personality” symposium, organized by the Educational Organization Charismatheia on April 7, 2024, at the Megaron Music Hall in Athens, Greece. His presentation, titled “Engaging Students, Empowering Educators: Transforming Education […]

N.Ionia Volos

On March 13th, the Institute for Language and Speech Processing welcomed the Experimental Lyceum of Nea Ionia Magnisias, providing an opportunity to showcase the transformative impact of generative AI in education. Both high school students and educators experienced firsthand the potential of conversational AI assistants through demonstrations of Study Buddy and Teacher Mate, two notable […]

1st Glyka Nera High School (ARC)

Another student workshop under the AI4EDU project was held on March 12, 2024, at the Athena R.C. Building in Maroussi, Athens, Greece, led by ARC. With 29 participants from the 1st High School of Glyka Nera, Anna Vacalopoulou introduced Generative AI and ChatGPT, focusing on their application in school education. The workshop emphasized ChatGPT’s capabilities […]

8th GEL Amaroussiou (ARC)

The AI4EDU project held a student workshop on February 8, 2024, at the Athena R.C. Building in Maroussi, Athens, Greece, led by ARC. With 24 participants from the 8th high school of Maroussi, Anna Vacalopoulou introduced Generative AI and ChatGPT, focusing on their application in school education. The workshop highlighted ChatGPT’s capabilities and limitations, alongside […]

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