Anna Vacalopoulou and Pepi Stamouli introduced students to Generative AI and ChatGPT, with special emphasis on the demonstration of specific use cases of ChatGPT for learning in the context of school education. LLM’s capabilities and limitations were highlighted and issues of ethical AI use were presented and discussed. Subsequently, they demonstrated the Study Buddy prototype to students, showcasing several use cases that support students in their everyday school duties, including exploring a subject, asking for definitions and examples, asking for exercises, finding ideas for projects or arguments for essay writing etc. Students were engaged in attractive activities, such as asking Study Buddy to assess and grade their answers to specific questions, correcting Study Buddy’s responses and performing a debate with the Study Buddy.

Students shared their opinions on the potential of generative AI to support them in learning, as well as their insights on AI’s use in their everyday learning practice. The participants didn’t have laptops or tablets, so they followed the examples shown by the presenters on the presentation screen. 

Participants: Students of the second grade of high school (around 40 participants)