Teacher Mate represents a step forward in integrating technology into the education sector, offering a web-based platform designed to streamline and enhance the teaching and learning process. This platform introduces a comprehensive suite of tools based on modern language technologies, to provide a personalized and efficient educational experience for educators.

  • Central to the Teacher Mate platform is the Teacher Dashboard, an intuitive interface that allows educators to closely monitor student progress, administer and grade tests, and deliver focused feedback.
  • Teacher Mate provides a set of functionalities underpinned by modern prompt engineering techniques. These tools facilitate lesson planning, material preparation, test generation, and automated grading of student assignments, that both alleviate the load of educators and help them design engaging and interactive material for better educational outcomes.
  • A key component of Teacher Mate is its chat interface, powered by, but not limited to, GPT-3.5 or GPT-4. This interface acts as an assistant to teachers, aiding in the creation of lesson plans, the development of engaging teaching materials, and the simplification of complex concepts. It facilitates direct, interactive communication with the system for generating various educational resources, including presentation outlines and student worksheets. The chat interface is enhanced with multilingual voice capabilities for better accessibility.
  • The ability of Teacher Mate to interact with course textbooks through Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is particularly noteworthy. This feature extends across the platform’s entire suite of tools, allowing teachers to directly incorporate textbook material into lesson plans, quizzes, presentations, and other teaching resources. This integration ensures that content is closely aligned with the curriculum, making it highly relevant and engaging for students.
  • The platform’s approach is built on best pedagogical practices, based on recommendations provided by the pedagogical team of the project and the results of the end-users’ needs analysis, offering a variety of perspectives and examples to suit different learning styles and preferences.

In summary, Teacher Mate brings to the educational sector a set of tools that significantly improve the teaching and learning experience by leveraging prompt engineering, artificial intelligence, and textbook integration. This approach supports teachers in delivering personalized, curriculum-aligned instruction and provides students with an engaging and interactive learning environment, with the goal of enhancing overall educational outcomes.

Sign up and use the Teacher Mate here: https://apps.ilsp.gr/ai4edu