The two-day conference “Artificial Intelligence in Science Education” was held at the Conference Center of the University of West Attica.

It was co-organized by the University of West Attica, the Hellenic Society of Scientists and Professionals of Information Technology and Communications (EPY) (partner of the National Innovation Hub in Digital Governance-GR digiGOV-innoHUB), the Directorate of Secondary Education of the 3rd district of Athens. the National Technology Infrastructure Network and Research (EDYTE) and the Athena Research Center (ARC).

Pepi Stamouli gave an introduction to AI, Generative AI and ChatGPT, with special emphasis on the demonstration of specific use cases of ChatGPT for the support of the teaching practice. LLM’s capabilities and limitations were highlighted and issues of ethical AI use were presented and discussed.

At the second session, Pepi Stamouli, George Paraskevopoulos and Chara Tsoukala held a teachers workshop, where they briefly presented the aims and objectives of the AI4EDU project and demonstrated the Study Buddy and Teacher Mate prototypes to teachers. Afterwards, the teachers were engaged in hands-on activities with the AI4EDU conversational AI assistants and shared their opinions on their usability and their thoughts for implementing them in education. Questionnaires were not administered on that day, because of technical problems, so they were sent to the participants 3 days later. Moreover, most of the participants didn’t have laptops or tables, so they used the Study Buddy and the Teacher Mate in their mobiles. Finally, internet connection was poor, resulting in some technical problems accessing the applications.

Funded by the European Union. Contract Number: 101087451. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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