The workshop, titled “Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: A Revolution or a Challenge?” took place on September 7th, 2023, at Björknäs School in Boden. The primary objective of this event was to delve into the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the field of education, with a specific focus on both its transformative possibilities […]


It was co-organized by the University of West Attica, the Hellenic Society of Scientists and Professionals of Information Technology and Communications (EPY) (partner of the National Innovation Hub in Digital Governance-GR digiGOV-innoHUB), the Directorate of Secondary Education of the 3rd district of Athens. the National Technology Infrastructure Network and Research (EDYTE) and the Athena Research […]


The two-day conference “Artificial Intelligence in Science Education” was held at the Conference Center of the University of West Attica. It was co-organized by the University of West Attica, the Hellenic Society of Scientists and Professionals of Information Technology and Communications (EPY) (partner of the National Innovation Hub in Digital Governance-GR digiGOV-innoHUB), the Directorate of […]


The Students Workshop on AI in Education held on August 24, 2023, at Björknäsgymnasiet, Boden, Sweden, continued the exploration of Artificial Intelligence’s role in education. The workshop aimed to introduce students to AI concepts and provide hands-on experience with the preliminary version of the Study Buddy, an AI assistant developed as part of AI4EDU The […]

AI4EDU Workshop in Dublin 2

The main goals were to: Introduce teachers and students to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Ascertain the AI knowledge of teachers and students in their daily lives. Familiarize teachers and students with the use of an AI powered Chatbot in education. Elicit teachers and students’ initial thoughts and ideas about its uses, SCOT analysis, Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities […]

2nd PM Meeting, Lulea Sweden

The 2nd AI4EDU project meeting held on June 27-28, 2023, took place at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. This meeting aimed to review progress on the pedagogical and technical frameworks, application development, and pilot testing methodologies. The first day began with detailed discussions on defining pedagogical and technical specifications for both the conversational AI […]

AI4EDU Workshop in Rotterdam

The main goals were to: Introduce teachers and students to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Ascertain the AI knowledge of teachers and students in their daily lives. Familiarize teachers and students with the use of an AI powered Chatbot in education. Elicit teachers and students’ initial thoughts and ideas about its uses, SCOT analysis, Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities […]